Arduino Starter

Even though whopping amount of blogs and tutorials are available about Arduino and its applications, i though about leaving a small note on how to start with Arduino.

For the noob . What is Arduino...?
   Arduino hardware is nothing different than an ordinary Micro controller. All Arduino boards contain an ATMEL controller with USB connectivity for programming and debugging.

So.. why is this Arduino hype...? I know micrcontrollers exists for more than 35 years.How is this different ?

Yes... arduino is different in the sense by which user interacts with it. Or in other words.. the arduino development software is so simple and self explanatory for any one with basic coding and hardware skills. Arduino IDE just provides an abstraction such that if user wants a time delay in his program, he can just call a built in function and pass the time delay value. User is taken away from the hectic need of understanding the timers in microcontroller and the math required to produce the delay. Also Arduino IDE is so light weight and has immense amount of built in functions, which a user can get used to, in very few amount of time.
Also huge amount of sample programs can be seen in examples section of the IDE. All built in functions and uses are explained in one or another examples.. The examples are more than enough for a noob to get started. He can first run and see an example. Then he can change whatever parameters available in that sample program and save, compile and upload the new program to see the difference in output.. Slowly this adds to your knowledge and usage of Arduino.

And so the basic hardware that should be ready with you to start are
1. LEDs : even this is not required since some Arduino boards already come with a SMD  LED connected to one of its GPIO pins. LEDs help to learn basic blinking programs, PWM generation , digital write functions etc..

2. Potentiometer : To provide a user variable analog input to Arduino and there by learn about Analog Read/write functions,real time PWM variation , etc...

3. Buzzer : To understand and learn about tone generation from example programs in Arduino IDE.

These three little things are enough to keep you busy on first day of Arduino programming.


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