USB-UART console using old nokia DKU-5 datacable. (3.3v TTL)

Hi all.. lets do another beautiful DIY device...
It will be a USB-UART dongle using Nokia Data Adapter DKU-5.

What is it ???
A USB-UART dongle mimics a serial COM on PC. So... modern PCs lack DB-9 RS232 ports , but has plenty of USB ports. So there comes a lot of needs while you want to connect some boards (Embedded linux boards, android TV boxes, Raspberry Pi, Beagle Board, FPGA kits, router/modem, HAM radio (ICOM/BAOFENG)  ) to your PC for low level debugging or programming. Since UART being the simplest of communications, all these board have a 3.3v or 5v TTL UART header to be hooked up... This header may consist of a Vcc,Tx,Rx,Gnd pins at one of above TTL voltages. So what we need to connect here is a UART- USB converter. Ebay can help you with cheap converters.. But it doesn't have the beauty of a DIY.

So what i need ??
1. Old DKU-5 nokia data adapter (CA-42 also works, but i had a DKU-5 only)
2. Some wires , soldering iron, strippers etc..

By luck CA-42 or DKU-5 cables are meant for old nokia phones that dosent have an inbult USB controller. These phones had the internal UART module connected to the POP Port. The pop port is where we hook up the data adapter cables DKU-5 or CA-42. These cables have internal USB controller chip to convert data from phone end to PC. We can use this cable to make a USB-UART for any board with 3.3v TTL board.
The below pictures can give better understanding of things


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