As you all can find immense resource about HAM Radio and its related hobbies in internet, i am hereby trying to give some help to get such license in India. So this post is for someone who is planning to write the licensing exam (Amateur Station Operator's Certificate or ASOC). No HAM technical are described here... for that u should dig somewhere else..

So lot of changes have occurred in licensing like the Grades of Licence, Maximum power allowed in each grade, the exam pattern, frequency, guidelines etc... Revised amendments from government will update these aspects...
According to current regulations two grades are available. (Old times it was total 5 grades)
 1.Restricted (no Morse code test  and lesser transmission power)
 2. General  (Morse code test  and higher transmission power )
A candidate can mention his desired Grade in application form for exam.

Always the best method is to find a Ham club in your town and register with them for exam. So that they will provide a training program on basics of electronics and communication theory. Also Morse code practice aids if u wish to go for General Grade.
Or you can find the Wireless Monitoring Station (WMS) in your state and apply directly for exam. A small exam fee will be there in either case. List of WMS's and their address can be found in below document link http://www.niar.org/downloads/Wireless-Monitoring-Stations-in-India.docx .
Call them up for any details you need.

Another major change is the exam structure which is made completely objective now.. Exam will contain two sections.
1. Electronics and Communication Theory.
2. Frequency related and licensing related questions specified for India.

So to get started with the study a good book is available.
 "ABC of Amateur Radio and Citizen Band" by Rajesh Verma (callsign: VU2RVM)  (1st published 1987).
The book is too old but still useful because it deals the electronics basics very well. After completely
reading it , u will get good knowledge about technical aspects of HAM radio.
And it also explains the now outdated Grades, Exam & Licensing Fee Structure, guidelines etc.

Further, use below link to download some new study materials to understand about the current GRADES , exam FEE structure etc and some other technical aspects also

Application forms for the exam

A sample question paper (all objective new type)

Prepare well
And now what after exam..??

1. Wait for a result sheet mentioning your success from WMS of the state under where u wrote exam.
   On success..
2. You can create an Online License Application at WPC website (not mandatory yet).
     see for help on online application.
3. Again wait for a confirmation letter from WPC, Delhi asking you to send the licensing fee along with your
    documents, photographs etc... for the grant of HAM license...
3. Send all documents with a covering letter mentioning your choice of Call Sign (sure they wont allot it :) ).
4. Final waiting for Certificate aka license to arrive ( 'The ticket' as HAMs say)

Hurray.. now.. Built up a radio and fill air with your voice...

As per latest info..
VU2*** call signs are allocated for general grade. (need to pass morse code test in exam)
VU3*** call signs are allocated for restricted grade. (no morse code test in exam)

To get into touch with some HAMS and their activities in india....

WPC website   use IE or chrome to view

All the best....


Puthuvalil Hall said…
Do anyone have manual of BEL 5820(Transmitter-Receiver Radio HB, CAT No. Z1/5820-001520, BEL-REF N29100).
Unknown said…
Where can I get ABC's of ham radio written by Sharma, it is out of print now.
If any PDF link also most welcome.

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