TV out cable for Smart Phones

Many phones have TV out facility but the cable does not come in standard packaging box.
We have to buy it additional. It would cost hundreds for original cables

I have made a TV out cable for my Nokia N79 long back. Same trick could be applied for other brands once you know the pinouts of 3.5mm jack correctly.

All you need is
1) 3.5 mm HEADSET connector with 4 contacts. ( u can buy headsets of china mobile phones having 3.5mm jack for that)
2) An old AV cable used to connect DVD players with TV(costs only 40 for new)

The microphone contact of the 3.5mm jack is used for carrying video signals to TV (for nokia). Other two contacts are used for left and right audio channels. The fourth contact is the common ground for video,left audio,right audio.

The contact line designations starting from the tip of 3.5mm jack is
1--right audio
2--left audio
3--mic (video: in our use)
4--common ground

Guys take up your soldering irons and assemble yourself

Enjoy videos and movie files on your big TV screens directly from your nokia phones

I have tested it with N79 and 5800xm

An update. See the below pic for some other brand pin assignments


Shashin said…
Cool! Thanks for the post!
Unknown said…
thanks it worked for my c7 :)
kipin said…
guy can any one put a video of this ....then it will b more useful.....
Unknown said…
PLZZZZ we want a video
Antony said…
thanks for the comments.. will try to upload a video shortly
Satyam said…
Will it work on c5-03 and there are only 2 av cable holer in my email is
Ulin said…
i try to make it. but it says "accessories not supported" on my c7 belle.
napi said…
thanks brother. from malaysia
napi said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
aditya said…
i got one cable, i need to connect these cable to composite pins or component pin, i tried it on both but its not working,, plz help....
ani said…
my tv out jack that connects to my n82 has only two rings and a to make one
Unknown said…
hey my tv has only two outputs .. wat to do now.. n m using nokia oridinary jack ,.. it has one red ,one green. one red+green n one copper wires how to connent thm wth tv cable which has one video n audio cable fr each
kameraman said…
great idea, but what with the groud? I have only 3 cables, so ground part is empty?
Unknown said…
5800 video not sopotted
Anonymous said…
how about lenovo (p1ma40)
Anonymous said…
any idea about TVout with usb or micro usb
Mark Winstanley said…
As always, entertaining and educational! Keep those blog posts coming….love reading them all from start to finish!

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Unknown said…
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